
Thursday, August 11, 2005


Cindy Sheehan has been camped out @ George Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch since this past Saturday. Whey?

Well, she got the idea while attending a convention of Veterans for Peace @ Houston on Saturday. No sooner had she sat down at a computer keyboard and started typing out a short piece, as she was listening to George Bush on the television spouting off about honoring the brave U.S. men and women who had given their lives in Iraq by finishing the job, she made the decision to head for the Bush ranch at Crawford, Texas.

She asked for someone to drive her down there and about 15 hands went up in unison. Since Saturday she has given dozens of interviews both for the print media and television crews. Her story has appeared on all of the progressive weblogs and she even got valuable television time this past Sunday on the Wolf Blitzer show - Late Edition. Even TV types like Bill O'Reilly of the O'Reilly Factor have been trying to get her to appear on their show.

The long & short of it is - Cindy is camped out a half-mile down from Bush's Crawford ranch and will stay for the rest of the month of August, until she gets a face-to-face meeting with the President. She is not alone but is joined by 100 or so folks braving the elements in a roadside drainage ditch - as the Sherriff's office has requested they stay completely off the road - which they were told is private property.

More and more people join their group every hour of every day. Where it will end is anybody's guess. All that is certain is that this is a story of unpredictable dimensions and could mushroom into something this country has never seen before. One women, taking on the President and acting as spokesperson for millions of disaffected voters throughtout the county. A symbol like Rosa Parks was in the Civil Rights era of the 1950's.

More later on .............


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